When we lose someone we love, there are so many questions that can keep you up at night.
In her latest book, Sandy offers a mind-blowing perspective of death. She answers your questions, she shares poignant stories from client sessions, and she teaches you how to have continued conversations with Spirit.
The Soul Studio podcast is where you can get encouragement and feel reconnected to your Soul, to Spirit and to God.
Transformed by the loss of her infant daughter,
Sandy is a powerfully gifted Spirit Medium.
She blends wisdom and gentle humor as a voice for Spirit...and God.
Her messages are healing, uplifting and life-altering.
As a transformational coach, Sandy will help you to find your voice, let go of fear,
and heal your life.
With her Spiritual guidance, you'll get reconnected to your authentic self.
Do you want to learn to:
connect with spirit,
explore past lives or
quiet your mind chatter and tune in to your Soul?
You can do that from the comfort of your own home with one of our online courses.
Each loss usually breaks us down.
That breaking down can hurt us or it can help us break open.
When we're broken open, it's an opportunity to find our connection to our Soul, to God, to Spirit.
It can absolutely be a Spiritual Awakening.
I'm here to support you through your break-down, break-open, or break-through stages of your life. I tune in to a higher perspective, I think from a higher place, and life will start to make sense, your heart will heal, and you'll clear the path to your joy again.
Welcome home...to you.
Copyright © 2019 Sandy Alemian - All Rights Reserved.